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How to Hire A Contractor

4.6/5 - (10 votes)

Hiring a contractor doesn’t have to be a painstaking event. Just follow my video to a T and you’ll be ok.


Now we don’t always want to judge a book by its cover but in this case, you really should. For someone that doesn’t take care of themselves, chances are they’re not going to take care of your house. Mean, yes I would agree with you. But it is your money, right.

What did the contractor drive-in with? Their wife’s minivan, a beat-up truck, or was it a nice looking well taken care of work truck with their company name on it?


Very important to say the least with any license needed for the job and town.  Liability insurance is only going to cover their work in case they do damage in some shape or another.  However, workers comp protects your butt in case someone gets hurt while working on your house. And by no means is it cheap for the contractor to have but in most states, it’s the law that they do carry it.

Written Estimates

I don’t think I have to tell you to get more than one estimate, right? Only accept an estimate, that’s written on a computer. This estimate is very important and everything on it must be able to read by you and a lawyer if ever needed. Besides, you don’t want any misunderstandings on details.

Home Address

They say never trust a man that doesn’t drink. In this case, don’t ever trust a contractor that won’t give you his home address. Think about this for a second. You just handed this guy a bunch of money and perhaps the keys to your house right? Wouldn’t you want to know where he lives?


Now don’t for one minute think you have to accept their contract. You could write your own or even have a lawyer write one up for you. Who’s butt are we protecting here anyway, right?.  A contract must be signed by you and the owner of the contracting business and a witness of someone you know would be a good idea.

In that contract, you’ll have the whole terms of payments, insurance, and of course the whole scope of work with start and completion date.

Payment Disbursements

Also, will be covered in the contract. However, don’t be shy about creating your terms of payments. What’s the worst they can say, no? Whatever the terms end up never having it that you’ll be paid up before the job is 100% completed and to your liking.

Permits and Inspections

All permits must ALWAYS be taken by the contractor, no matter what. Why might you ask? Simple, you as the homeowner can just about walk into the building department and get one very easily. But on the other hand, the contractor will have to prove he has all the proper insurances and licenses just to name a few. And you will want a copy of that permit as well as all inspections and certificate of occupancy once the job is completed. Now not all jobs will require any of these but do check with the building department. Do not leave that up to the contractor.

Keep All Records

Keep any and all records of all work as well as pictures, before, during, and after.

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