Cement type for shower pan install


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What type of cement should I use for a custom shower pan install? i am installing it over plywood subfloor. I have watched your video multiple times but it doesn’t really explain the type of cement to use. Can you give me a specific product or mixture type (for example; 5 parts sand to 1 part portland cement, OR something like a basic quickcrete mortar mix green bag).

follow up question. How thick should the preslope bed be? 1/4 inch at drain? If so, have you had any issues with the preslop cracking/breaking around the drain before you have a chance to the pan liner and 2nd mortar layer in?

Please advise and thank you in advance for your time.


Answer ( 1 )

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    Hi, here’s the page for the shower pan. There I show what to use. Let me know if I’m missing something. https://www.askmediy.com/how-to-make-a-shower-pan/