240 female plug to 2 125 male plugs (balanced)


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I had installed a generator input on the side of the house(male 240 volt plug). I would like to build/add two 10 foot male plugs to a female 240 volt plug so ONE male is ONE phase and the other is the OTHER phase. I DO REALIZE that I can only hook up ONE 125 volt male plug to a 120 volt gas generator AT A TIME. I just want to legally hook up ONE phase to a 120 volt generator. (Yes, I have a 220 volt generator already) I just want the option to use my 120 in an emergency if my 220 volt is out of commission. Thanks for your time. Allen Emmons

Answers ( 3 )


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    My box has an interlock and 2 breakers to prevent grid interaction. Installed by local electrical contractor.

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      It’s not going to be super easy. You would have to grab each hot leg to each 120 input from each generator. However you would have to share the grounds and neutrals. All this would have to be connected at your existing connection of the 220 volt. Was this clear?

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    What are you using for a transefer switch?