Surge Protector installation location


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Dear Dom,
I am really worry about the place electrician put my surge protection at the bottom of left part of panel , not right after the main breaker. I am asking your explanation since I knew nothing about this. Some people believe if we don’t put on a top right after main breaker the surge with go thru all breakers and associate devices will fried up before heat surge protector? I knew you may think this is not true. Could you kindly explain this to me? My neighbor got 2 appliance burned and he is going to put surge protector right after main breaker. I am confused and asking your professional advise. Please explain.
Regards George

Answers ( 3 )

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    That’s fine, he’s using a two pole breaker, that connects to both and only two hot legs. Doesn’t matter what side it’s on.

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    I have Siemens FS 140. But let me understand If they put SP breakers at the bottom How all breakers above will be protected. and also how right side will be protected. I just like to understand, I am not an expert and worry.

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    It’s going to really depend on the protector you have. Can you send me a picture? However it really shouldn’t matter.

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