Weep Holes on single story brick house


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I recently purchased a house and the previous owner plugged all of the weep holes with mortar. I just recently remodeled the bathrooms which had water damage but didnt think to drill the weep holes out since I had the walls open and flashing exposed. My question is, should I try drilling the weep holes out with a masonry bit and try to not penetrate the flashing or leave it alone and pray that the previous water damage was due to 60 year old bathroom plumbing that was potentially leaking

Answers ( 3 )


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    It’s possible the water is was from leaks from the old bathroom but I do not know for sure. If I were to drill them back out, how would I go about it to make sure I don’t drill through the flashing? And what bit size do you think? I was leaning towards at least a half inch drilled on an angle

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      Yeah sure it could be. It’s near impossible to know where and when. As far as drilling them back out. Well, I would use a 1/4″ drill to break it up a bit. Set depth of about 3/4 of the thickness of the brick. There’s really no way he could’ve filled them up the whole way. Drill and pick out I say.

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    No kidding wow. Yeah if you can open them up I would. Unless you know for sure where the water came from I think it would be safe to say opening them back up would be best.

    Could water have gotten in from anywhere else?